Naw no nerves here to hit, lol. The three largest builders we work for have the following digs scheduled for this year: Monarch homes, five sites totalling 800 houses approx. hardwood on main floor is standard, They use Superior as the standard, Mirage as the upgrade, most purchasers go with the upgrade, plus upper levels as well. Note that these range from multi-million dollar homes at two sites, two sites are mid-range, one is entry level townhomes. Heathwood (Heron Homes) three sites this year (4 last year) approx. 350 houses at two sites, 80 upscale units at the other. All with hardwood in great room as standard, most upgrade to all main level, including kitchen. Superior floor is the only offer. Minto Homes (Ottawa based, but dabble in the Toronto market) two sites both about 200 units each, both sites are large homes, hardwood on main floor standard, lots of second floor upgrades, all are Mirage, or custom. And ya, seems our banking industry is set up differently than yours in the States. We are generally a lot more conservative, and thus more cautious when it comes to investing, both on personal levels as well as corporate. Hey!!!!!!! Go Canada Go!!!! How 'bout that hockey game??? Oops was that me being less than conservative? Lol
_________________ Dennis Coles