Hi there. Glad to have found this site and message board. I am hoping some folks here can help with my project, and I hope I can share my project with the board

I have 2000 feet of wide plank, random width ashe flooring that I need to install. It's 5"/7"/9" solid wood, T&G. I am going to install it in my new home which is under construction in Northern NJ. The wood has been on site for two months, and I have acclimated it to the site. It has been stacked in small stacks inside the house. I had the heat connected three weeks ago, and the thermastat has been set at 60F since.
My question is about how to install the flooring. When I first bought the material from a mill in Eastern PA, the salesman told me I could glue it and blind nail it to the subfloor and I would be good to go. He insisted that the wood was dried properly and it would not buckle or warp. But now I have asked around and I am hearing contradicting stories that I HAVE to face nail it, three nails accross on every second joist, and I should not use any adhesive.
So, my question is, what's the best way to install this material? I would very much like to NOT face nail the planks, but I will if I have to. If I don't have to face nail it (or screw and plug) what kind of adhesive should I use? I have read about two part adhesives and eurethane base adhesives....but I don't know which is best.
Any help you could provide would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!