Amish made hardwood

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 Post subject: Which Harbor Freight nailer?
PostPosted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 12:44 pm 
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Joined: Sun Dec 23, 2007 12:34 pm
Posts: 9
HF lists 2 flooring nailers: #95658 on sale at $139 and 94446 at $179.00.
Info is sketchy with 94446 stating 16 guage staples/nails. Several folks have posted success stories with the HF nailer, but not sure if it's worth the extra $40 bucks to get the more expensive nailer. What specific HF nailers have you folks had good luck with? Does anyone know the real differences between the two?


Amish made hardwood

 Post subject: Re: Which Harbor Freight nailer?
PostPosted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 12:31 pm 
Newbie Contributor

Joined: Mon Jun 18, 2007 6:11 pm
Posts: 18
atroder wrote:
HF lists 2 flooring nailers: #95658 on sale at $139 and 94446 at $179.00.
Info is sketchy with 94446 stating 16 guage staples/nails. Several folks have posted success stories with the HF nailer, but not sure if it's worth the extra $40 bucks to get the more expensive nailer. What specific HF nailers have you folks had good luck with? Does anyone know the real differences between the two?


HF nailer 95658 is the one that I got and it's been working well on my install. I'm using 2" Bostitch brand cleats on 3/4" solid tigerwood. Running about 65-70psi. This unit appears to be a clone of the Bostitch nailer/stapler. I was not able to find the 94446 nailer which seems to be a clone of the Porter Cable nailer. This one has a trigger built into the handle.

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 10:55 am 
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Posts: 9
Hey dchme - thanks, man. Just put in my order for one. This is really a great forum for a diy'er like myself.

An interesting note: I was trying to figure out if the scfm requirement of the 95658 matched up with my compressor (PC pancake). Since it's it not listed in the 95658 product spec, I checked the Bostitch MIIIFS. It states a requirement of 4.2 cfm at 80psi at 60 fasteners per second. However, for slower nailing, the cfm requirement drops proportionally. For instance, only 2.1 cfm is needed at 80 psi at 30 fasteners per second. This suggests that even smaller capacity compressors like mine should be able to handle nailers as long as one doesn't get too carried away.

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 4:41 pm 
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I bought the 94446 about about a year ago. It was on sale at the time for $139.00. It seems that the price cycles a couple of times during the year.
It worked very well for my 1000 sq ft or so of install.

Regarding the air requirements: you will really not know for certain until you try the gun. The lesser efficiency of air use in many lower end air tools is one of the reasons they are so inexpensive. I'm confident that nearly any pancake compressor will be able to keep up with a single flooring nailer. HF or otherwise.

On a side note: My biggest concern was with my HF compressor. It was hard set, from the factory, to cycle on and replenish when the pressure dropped to 80 psi. The trouble was, I had my best results when the pressure was set to 85 psi.

So, did I have several nails that were 'hammered' in with only 80psi? I presume so, but there were no problems.

Best wishes for your install.

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 11:16 am 
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Joined: Tue Jan 08, 2008 7:23 am
Posts: 5
I have the HF 94446 and run it with a Porter Cable Pancake compressor around 90psi for white oak. Not a single problem yet. It surprisingly has been a great nailer.

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