Hello Forum members
I'm in the middle of installing some Santos Mahogany 3/4 inch prefinished flooring, 5 inch wide over 15lb felt, 3/4 plywood. I'm using a Porta Nailer Hammerhead 421 with 2 inch T cleats. I have some minor creaking but the floors so far are in less used areas (living rm / dining room).
I've seen that Porta Nail has now released an L cleat nailer, and I'm wondering if there are advantages of L cleats over T cleats. Intuitively it would seem that L cleats would have a larger surce area to hold the board in place as far as the top of the tongue, but I'm not sure how much holding power comes from that versus the cleat barbs.
I'm looking for advice since I'm ready to start my family room which is heavily used and if L cleats are really superior I may try them. I'd like to reduce the chances of creaking if at all associated with the cleats.
Any advice appreciated. Fantastic forum .... glad you guys are here !!