I recently had 3/4" pre-finished (Dura-luster Plus, 25 yr. finish) oak floors installed (~ 6 months ago). The floors have square edges and looked great when first installed. However, I am starting to notice scratches in the floor apparently coming from our dog. We have been diligent in getting her nails trimmed to minimize scratches, but, it appears that is not enough. Looking at the floor straight on from above, you can not see the scratches. However, at an angle, when the light hits it right, they are noticable. The scratches can also be felt when running your hand over them as there is a slight indentation in the boards. In our old house, we had old site-finished pine floors that seemed to hold up better to the dogs nails, so the scratches in the new floor are surprising.
Two questions: (1) Has anyone seen this type of wear from pets on oak before? (2) Once the dog has departed this earth, would screening and recoating be enough to replenish the look? (I'm not quite sure how much material the screening process will remove.)
Thanks for your help.