Make a cool border!
I had some left over 2 1/4" Maple, Walnut, and White oak, so I used it in making a nice border for a floor I did for a buddy of mine.
Now he got this floor dirt cheap and its just regular 2 1/4" select and better red oak floor but this cool border I thought of on the fly, border consists of 3/4" walnut feature strip with maple, walnut, red oak and white oak cut on simple a 45 degree angle.
He wanted something different and I saved money on wood using some left over shorts I had laying around. I let my buddy and his wife choose the pattern of the border.
Surprised myself with how unique it looked.
Just like to share a pic of my latest flooring gig.
Hope all are working hard and making some loot, we need it!
Let me know what ya guys think.