Hi everyone, sitting on my couch, exhausted, staring at a disaster in the next room..
My wife and I recently bought a house. The house (and floors) are 7 years old, and the floors looked a little dull, and some spots had some peeling from walking traffic & also where my 4 year old got sick, and where I had used Clorox wipes to clean up a few spills (it apparently disintegrated the last coating!?) So I decided I wanted to add a coat of rejuvenate refinisher to our wood floors that go from the front door, down a hallway, and into kitchen & dining area. So I followed the instructions and started cleaning the floors after vacuuming with a soft sponge and a couple drops of Dawn in warm water. But the more I scrubbed, the more of the this poly substance came up, before long I had poly "boogers" all over my floor, and my sponge. At first I thought it was just an old coating of cheap & quick Orange Glo, but now it seems my pads dulling the actual wood!? I was going to try to remove all the crappy coating with a non-scratch scrub pad, but it's still adhered really well in some spots so it looks horrible, where in other spots it comes up very easily. I've been wrestling with this for the past 8 hours. Can I just use a poly stripper or will that take the color off my floor too? Did I remove the original poly coating off my floor or did my floor even have one to begin with? I'm beyond confused right now and waiting for my wife to come home and see this, hopefully I'll still be alive to see any answers or help you can provide me!
-Can I salvage the current situation?, if so, how in the hell do I get this crappy coating up?
P.S. The last picture shows where I got all the junk coat up in a hallway that no one ever goes down and it still looks halfway decent so I don't even know if I'm taking up the actual original coat?




