While NOFMA and the NWFA, nor any flooring manufacturers that I am aware of, do not recommend applying a sealer to the backside of solid wood flooring, common sense would indicate that it would provide some benefit to limit moisture absorbtion. This has been bandied about for quite a few years in my area. Personally, I have never done it as it would require opening all the flooring up, spreading it out upside down and spraying or brushing on something ( poly, shellac, laquer, ? ). Then letting it dry and then stacking it all up and out of the way so one could proceed with the install. Quite a bit of extra work that many homeowners may not wish to pay for. Plus, there's no guarentee that it will be completely effective. However, I did install a Bruce Maple plank floor about a year ago that was finished on the backside!
This was the first factory finished floor I'd seen the had a finish applied to the back. The flooring was manufactured in China and perhaps they did that to prevent damage to the flooring on it's long trip across the ocean. I don't know but I thought it was a good idea nevertheless.