I mistakenly said that our current Anderson Floor was installed in 1998. It was installed in 2006. The reason for the mistake, was that Anderson replaced our original floor that was installed in 1998. It had the same problem with the checking, although it was much worse. After fighting them for several years they replaced the floor with the same exact type of floor, but in engineered Oak instead of Pecan. We were told at that time that the Oak should hold up much better, but were never told specifically that we MUST maintain a 35 to 55 percent humidity level at all times. Within six months (and these were the winter months here in Arizona) We started to notice the checking eventhough we were, in fact, keeping the humiditly at the correct level. This was possible because it was the winter months and we were not using the air conditioning.
Many comments on this site, including yours, have been sarcastic and not at all helpful to the average consumer. I was not surprised,however, because it seems that Mfg., Distributors, and Installers only care about making a buck and not really concerned that they are selling or installing a poor quality product. As I mentioned before, Anderson has discontinued the product that we have in our home, because of all the problems with it and we are now faced with, not only the expense of removing this defective floor ( which will be $2,000 to $3,000 because it was glued down) but also the cost of a replacement.
My reason for going on this site was to get come answers as to why wood flooring is sold here and also to warn consumers of this problem with wood floors installed in dry climates. I plan on writing to every Better Business Bureau in every state (with similar humidity levels) that Anderson sells their product in, warning every consumer that is considering installing an Anderson product. We were not treated fairly by Anderson. I am a recently retired consumer who now must come up with the money to replace their defective product. The only satisfaction I can get, is the fact that they may loose some business.
floormeintucson wrote:
So this has been going on for 11 years and you still are PO'd? lol WOW
I guess I would be too, however you can install a swamp cooler. he hee.
But seriously, what species was it? And your sure there was notyhing about the ambient temp and RH on the literature sent with the wood?
FYI, distressed hardwood is in style and they charge more for it. So just think, you got distressed for cheap.