Amish made hardwood

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 Post subject: Re: What hardwood flooring is best for Dogs and their paws??
PostPosted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 4:58 pm 
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You are going to have a hard time finding wood floor that is scratch resistant. But there are a few things to keep in mind.
It sounds like you are installing a new floor. I would not recommend pre-finished hardwood because if, or should I say when, it gets scratched it's harder to refinish. When you're finishing the floor oil based polyurethane will be more durable than water based. Also more coats will boost durability. 3 coats are good, 4 great. In my opinion a satin finish hides scratches better than gloss. Also I think a lighter wood species like a white oak would hide scratches best and it's very hard and durable.

Ken Watson - Watson Hardwood Floors Inc.
Weston, MA

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Amish made hardwood

 Post subject: Re: What hardwood flooring is best for Dogs and their paws??
PostPosted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 5:05 pm 
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thanks for your input....would you suggest an even harder wood species like Brazian Cherry or Brazilian Walnut? Would that make much difference?

Jennifer Reynolds Interiors
Atlanta, GA

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 Post subject: Re: What hardwood flooring is best for Dogs and their paws??
PostPosted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 5:07 pm 
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Clip the nails often. AO finish or ceramic prefinished. I hear there is AO on the market for site finished floors now.

Nice thing about prefinished is you can replace planks if they get a bad scratch. Touch-up sticks are also available. Scratch resistant is everywhere, scratch proof is one you'll never find.

Stephen Perrera
Top Floor Installation Co.
Tucson, Arizona
IFCII Certified Inspector
Floor Repairs and Installation in Tucson, Az

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 Post subject: Re: What hardwood flooring is best for Dogs and their paws??
PostPosted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 5:09 pm 
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floormeintucson wrote:
Clip the nails often. AO finish or ceramic prefinished. I hear there is AO on the market for site finished floors now.

Nice thing about prefinished is you can replace planks if they get a bad scratch. Touch-up sticks are also available. Scratch resistant is everywhere, scratch proof is one you'll never find.

What is AO finish?? Forgive me, I'm an Interior Designer looking for a client, not an installer.

Jennifer Reynolds Interiors
Atlanta, GA

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 Post subject: Re: What hardwood flooring is best for Dogs and their paws??
PostPosted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 5:13 pm 
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Aluminum Oxide

Stephen Perrera
Top Floor Installation Co.
Tucson, Arizona
IFCII Certified Inspector
Floor Repairs and Installation in Tucson, Az

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 Post subject: Re: What hardwood flooring is best for Dogs and their paws??
PostPosted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 5:14 pm 
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Your walking on the finish not the wood, is what I tell ppl. Indentation is another story.

Stephen Perrera
Top Floor Installation Co.
Tucson, Arizona
IFCII Certified Inspector
Floor Repairs and Installation in Tucson, Az

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 Post subject: Re: What hardwood flooring is best for Dogs and their paws??
PostPosted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 5:59 pm 
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floormeintucson wrote:
Your walking on the finish not the wood, is what I tell ppl. Indentation is another story.

What is the toughest/ BEST finish (most durable) for hardwood floors....anything new?? How many coats can we it the more, the better??
How many is too many???

Jennifer Reynolds Interiors
Atlanta, GA

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 Post subject: Re: What hardwood flooring is best for Dogs and their paws??
PostPosted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 7:27 pm 
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IMO a good quality pre-finished hardwood , like Anderson, is going to be more scratch resistant than any sight finished floor, with their finishing technology. I dont know if this is an option, but I would consider a product such as Vintage Virginia,( Handscraped, low luster aluminum oxide finish, some what rustic / character ). This type of floor will withstand and hide hairline scratching best.

Howard Chorpash
Frazier Mountain Hardwood

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 Post subject: Re: What hardwood flooring is best for Dogs and their paws??
PostPosted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 6:57 pm 
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In the short term, a good prefinished floor like Kahrs or Mirage will be more scratch resistant than a field finished floor. However, it isn't bullet proof and will scratch before long.

So for longevity, I would recommend using oak or harder unfinished wood. Oak is going to stand up just fine , it's really the finish that will be abused if anything . Brazilian cherry is quite a lot harder but isn't necessary so I suggest not choosing anything softer than Oak like ash,pine,American cherry. And with some planned buffing and re coating,you'll likely never have any problems with the actual wood flooring.

As for finishes, moisture cure urethane is the toughest but it's drawbacks are how unbelievably horrible it smells and how easily it can be ignited by electrical sources in the house like refrigerators ,thermostats, etc. So I do not work with it.

A waterborne finish that is nearly as hard as moisture cure is Traffic by Bonakemi. And I use it for customers that are willing to pay for the most durable finish I can offer.It is a top coat material and is designed to work over Bonakemi's water based sealers or their oil based sealers or can be applied directly over Bonakemi stains.

What keeps me using Bonakemi's traffic over other waterbonrne finishes is how incredibly tough it is, that it can be applied much heavier than other water based finishes without bubbling.I haven't worked with any other waterborne finish that can be laid on the floor so heavy and come out perfect. So for houses with dogs or for businesses with a lot of foot traffic, I usually spec out one coat of sealer and three to four coats of Bonakemi Traffic. It is an expensive finish but is worth it in my opinion.

As for the question of" how many coats is too many ?" , well it depends on the material chosen and how much time you allow for coats to dry. I would never put more than 3 to 4 coats of oil based urethane on consecutively without allowing for additional days for dry time. WIth a good waterborne finish. I would feel safe applying 4 to 5 in a row. And 4 or 5 coats of a good finish like traffic would keep a busy restaurant looking good for at least a few years before needing buffing and re coating.

Paul @ Advanced Wood Floors

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 Post subject: Re: What hardwood flooring is best for Dogs and their paws??
PostPosted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 10:59 am 
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yanons wrote:
Flooring is the general term for a permanent covering of a floor, or for the work of installing such a floor covering. Floor covering is a term to generically describe any finish material applied over a floor structure to provide a walking surface. Both terms are used interchangeably but floor covering refers more to loose-laid materials.

Materials almost always classified as floor covering include carpet, area rugs, and resilient flooring such as linoleum or vinyl flooring are the best for Dogs and their paws.we offer you the best services in flooring.

edited by admin: read the rules and guidelines

Who IS this guy?

Dennis Coles

 Post subject: Re: What hardwood flooring is best for Dogs and their paws??
PostPosted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 1:38 pm 
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No kidding just answer the question

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 Post subject: Re: What hardwood flooring is best for Dogs and their paws??
PostPosted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 8:05 pm 
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A spammer that wanted to post a website, they are gone

I wate so much time on them :(


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