Sorry, I saw on the bona website that traffic was only sold to professionals, and I couldn't find it on the internet for sale anywhere (I haven't tried locally), so I took that statement as truth. I should have checked around more I guess.
Part of the attempt to do it myself is price, but part is just that I am doing lots of work on a lakehouse, and want to do all I can myself. I'm doing lots of other stuff that would be easier to have someone else do (like plumbing and electrical), I don't mind putting in the time and effort, and I want to be able to claim that I did a lot of the work.
I may figure out that it will be more cost effective to have someone do it. If not, would traffic be something to consider, or something to definitely stay away from? On the hickory, are you saying I should have a professional do it due to its hardness, or just in general you recommend a professional for finishing? I'm usually pretty anal about all my projects, I take my time, and usually have good results. But, on the other hand, I don't want to make a huge mess either.