Amish made hardwood

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 Post subject: What constitutes a "quality hygrometer"?
PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 6:14 pm 
Worthy Contributor

Joined: Tue May 22, 2007 10:17 am
Posts: 160
I know what one is, but what is a quality one? I've been reading and searching but haven't found the answer. Found many suggestions in the "oops" forum telling people to get one though.

I hope to be able to pick one up at Home Depot tonight. Or, is it something I need to special order?



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PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 7:04 pm 
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You can probably get one at Radio Shack or Wal-Mart. The one I have I got at Wal-Mart and paid $20.00. It's digital and reads interior or exterior relative humidity and temperature. It also records the minimum and maximum readings as well as the current readings. I suppose one could buy a real expensive and a little more accurate one but the one I have is accurate enough.

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 7:48 pm 
Worthy Contributor

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Posts: 160

I went to Home Depot, and they only had one option, some big ugly clock looking thing for $25. There were 4 of them, reading 59, 62, 65, and 69 :lol: I said screw this and went to Lowe's.

I found a similar one to the one you mentioned, with a wireless outdoor reader. I figure I can just put the 'outdoor' in the basement for now and I can monitor both.

I also bought a pair of cheap thermometer/hygrometers for $3.49 ea, that had matching readings. They all were pretty close though.

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 12:15 pm 
Worthy Contributor

Joined: Tue May 22, 2007 10:17 am
Posts: 160
Well here's where the issue lies.

I have three hygrometers in my living room next to each other (the one digital, two cheapies). The digital is reading 48%, the two cheapie needle ones are reading 58%. I'm going to assume that the digital is the more accurate?

As a fourth measure, I will set up the remote temp/hygro monitor and put it next to them, and see what it reads that sensor as.

EDIT: Scratch the 4th measure, the remote sender doesn't work. :roll: Guess I have to exchange it.

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 6:55 pm 
Worthy Contributor

Joined: Tue May 22, 2007 10:17 am
Posts: 160
Well this is going to be fun.

The "outdoor" temp/humidity is actually an INDOOR reading, from that little box on the right side of the big display, a few inches away.

Who knows what my humidity level really is. I'll give it a day or so and see if these things maybe balance out? :roll:

I *try* to do things the right way, but it is never easy.


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PostPosted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 12:59 am 
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Seeing that you have two units that say slightly over 50% RH and the digital is under, I'd have to just guess that the digital is off and isn't calibrated well. So the lower right hand # on the digital is the current INTERIOR RH? Yes? So 46% vs. about 52%. Both #'s are considered to be within the normal interior range for RH. What are you trying to accomplish here? Are you trying to see if you're interior is OK to install in?

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 1:57 am 
Worthy Contributor

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I've now got a 40% and a 46% on the digital, and the two analog are reading about 55%. That's a 15% difference there; do you think the digitals are that far off?

So the lower right hand # on the digital is the current INTERIOR RH? Yes?
Correct. The larger number up top (37%) is also INTERIOR RH, just using the remote temp/humidity sensor.

What are you trying to accomplish here? Are you trying to see if you're interior is OK to install in?
Well, that, and trying to figure out if I'm supposed to just smack all the wood together and nail it down; or if I'm supposed to leave a gap of .1,2,3" every X amount of boards or not; I thought I read on here that depending on the humidity I would have to do that. I'm also trying to figure out what the "norm" is so I know if I'm over or under...

Maybe I'm just over analyzing; I just don't want to do it wrong.

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 9:52 am 
Semi Newbie Contributor

Joined: Wed Mar 15, 2006 1:10 pm
Posts: 69
The remote unit seems to be off. Your home is between 46 and 52%....well within range. Don't leave any gaps between boards and follow the directions provided with your wood. Good Luck!!!

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 10:57 am 
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KRV wrote:
The remote unit seems to be off. Your home is between 46 and 52%....well within range. Don't leave any gaps between boards and follow the directions provided with your wood. Good Luck!!!

Well, that depends what the subfloor & wood floorings, MC is If it is around 8.5% then your good to go.

When you want it done WRIGHT

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 1:51 pm 
Worthy Contributor

Joined: Tue May 22, 2007 10:17 am
Posts: 160
I should be ordering a moisture meter today on Amazon...of course you know I'll let you know how it goes. :lol:

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 6:32 pm 
Worthy Contributor

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Posts: 160
Funny. I threw both the analog meters plus the remote sending unit outside this evening. Both analogs read 90%, the digital remote read 60%. One of these is horribly wrong. :lol: states the humidity is 89%, so I guess the cheap little $3.50 jobbers are right on. Too bad I wasted $25 on this digital one that is 30% off! I might just return the thing; since I can't use it for what I had intended.

I know I'm splitting hairs here; it's just frustrating buying tools that don't work.

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 7:20 pm 
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Just return it. It happens to me all the time.

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 7:39 pm 
Worthy Contributor

Joined: Tue May 22, 2007 10:17 am
Posts: 160
Have you found one that is fairly accurate and consistent?

I brought everything back in, now the two analog ones are reading 47%, and the indoor one is reading 50%. It's like they reversed #'s now :lol:

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