I never believe it when manufacturers say no acclimation needed even for engineered or laminates, some do some don't. Most say do. Check manufacturers website for the installation guidleines.
Out of curiousity I went and found it I think this is your floor manufacturer, Anderson?
http://www.andersonfloors.com/Files/Eng ... 10revB.pdfI don't see anything about acclimation untill you get to "Wooden Subfloors" That might be a typo. It should be under the general pre-installation guidelines I think.
But I have to say they are the only ones I've seen so far that quote HPVA on their literature! Thats a very positive detail that I would like to see all manufacturers state in their literature.
"Material is manufactured to exceed industry standards (ANSI/HPVA EF 2009)."