It appears that your memory is not serving you well, or perhaps you do not wish to recall accurately what WFI stated. WFI stated that they offered to refund the floor. However, after careful and thorough inspection and analysis, the floor was deemed to be first quality and clear grade by several authorities. The floor material was not refunded and the floor was installed.
It looks, fits, and functions great! Absolutely beautiful wood, and a super installation job, all approximately 1600 sq. ft. of it that was installed after this thread was opened. There is still a little more to go.
All that was needed for this wood was an installer who is actually interested in doing the job, doing it right, and putting it down. Interestingly, this recent installation of the remaining majority of this WFI product is completely free of any popping, movement, and gapped, uneven and jagged cuts, which cannot be said for the approximately 250 sq. ft. that was previously installed and discussed in the deleted earlier portion of this thread.
Your unfounded and speculative claims with regard to a soft pine core and thin veneer is way over the top, given that you never have seen the wood in question. The reality is that the core is made of rubber wood, as are the majority of cores used in 3-ply construction, and the veneer is indeed a full 1/8" veneer as specified for this product.