First, I want to say I have a new found respect for the flooring professionals. This is my first attempt at hardwood flooring. After laying about 50 square feet my lower back is sore as are some of the other parts of me

I'm in my late 20s so it's not like I'm some 60 year old with back problems

I'm also working in the comfort of my own home- I had the air conditioning on with a fan, took breaks whenever I wanted etc. Can't imagine If you're working in an un air conditioned house or someone else's house where the homeowner is hovering all over you
Now my question/issue- I weaved in some oak into my existing floor. I prepared the subfloor as best as I could. I let the wood acclimate for one week. Using a pneumatic nailer. However upon doing the weave some of the boards took some persuasion to get in (hammer on scrap). The result of this is some boards being a little crooked. Attached are the pictures. I'm wondering if I should redo these or when I get the room/house professionally refinished this will go away.

Some other pictures of progress. I realize this isn't perfect and it's fairly obvious where the old wall was due to the seams, but I tried to strike a balance matching the board lengths. Most of the boards in my house are very long, 6-12 feet.