Always charge for material handled not material installed. Doesnt matter what flooring, tile, hardwood, carpet, laminate, vinyl, etc.
Jerry is exactly correct. I usually figure 7%. You never know what gets damaged during shipping, what weird boards arrive when open the box, etc. This particularly happens with tile & laminate floors. Having so much waste i know that i have enough to do anything twice to achieve the best en result. I leave my extra with the customer for the future "in case something happens" scenario. Customer gets a good job, if your a sub the store makes more money, and you as the installer make more money. Everyone goes home happy.
Some customers are picky about the sq ft so then i drop the waste factor. But never lost a job because of it.
The worst scenario is measuring too tight, overlooking a small section, having damaged goods/bad boards and not being able to complete an install. The customer will always be happier having the job done.