Hello Gary,
I was considering Mirage too actually. Was that or Vintage. Vintage seemed to have a closer matched varnish color to my existing oak stiars. Which is a dark chocolate. Otherwise I might have chosen Mirage. I think my builder uses Mirage for their hardwood floor installs (Minto).
Any how I'm not sure what the humidity was when the flooring was installed. Though, it must have been high as I didn't have a/c then. And I'm not sure if the cracking began before or after I installed my central a/c. Any how, the owner of this hardwood shop (used a lot by Mike Holmes), said that the hairline 1" surface cracks can be "touched up". So that I would not see or feel them again. Hope he's right and was not feeding me a line.
The 2-3 planks with the huge 6-8" deep cracks will have to be replaced. He wants to wait till September. And I have bought two humidity meters. One of the living room where the thermostat is. And another on the 2nd floor in the room with the largest window. Sometimes the hottest and probably most humid. Though recently I've noticed that the living room is more humid by 4-5% over that room on the 2nd floor. Have been running the a/c a lot more. Keeping the RH at around 50%. Averaging between 50-53%.
The recommended range for my Vintage "Pioneered Solid" is 45-55%. Which I have on the main and 2nd floor. On the basement floor I have Vintage Engineered. No cracks at all. Go figure. Less dry? More moisture all the time? Shrug. I thought the guys might have hammered the hardwood on the main/2nd floor too hard. Owner says impossible or there would be "dimples" on the side. Really? I thought not. Then what do I know.

I'm just a consumer not an installer.