Ken, I second that. Aragorn took some nice pictures and since your site is mainly for DIYers that would be a great idea.
On a more complicated border job I would rather the people call in a pro like Gary, Perry, Sean. KLS, Kevin,Chuck,Phil, Marco,ect. to install that. (if i left your name out I apologize, there is a lot of talented contributers on here).
This was one of those LL Bellawood (Tigerwood) jobs I get on occasion. I had so much bad wood that the layout is not the way i would have preferred doing it.
When i got there and showed the lady all the problems with the milling and finish she was very distraught, she called LL , no help. When I got finished she was ecstatic.
Truly a case of starting out with lemons and ending up with lemonade

have a great day