What a fun 3 day weekend!
Thank you all for the help with my previous questions. My wife and I set out this long weekend to lay the floor in our long hallway (with 3 bedrooms off of it) and carry it into our master bedroom (which we haven't stayed in since buying our house a year ago...lovely remodels!).
Being new at all this, we ended up with getting a bit more than 3/4 of the hallway done. Actually, when we went back and measured, the hallway is more sq/footage than the master, and is much harder to use all the tools in (you guys probably know all this already

Right now I am dealing with a specific problem finsihing up the hallway. I'm at my second to last row, the last being all cut pieces. I am face nailing on the ends, and then blind nailing along the length...its gone fine up until this last board I'm stuck on. It seems the the row I'm mating it with isn't exactly straight...can't see it with the eye, but no matter what board I try to fit there, there's a gap at either end. In fact, I've face and blind nailed one in, and used a lever to close the gaps when I nailed...but the nails aren't holding the gap closed.
How do I work around this? Do I need to shave off some of the row I'm mating the new board to (as it seems to be 'high' in the middle)? Or is there another way to nail it that will hold better?
The wood is 3/4" thick brazilian cherry. I'm using 8D finishing nails, hand driven (no nailer).