Hello everyone. I’m getting ready to lay down my unfinish ¾ hickory with a new General Pneumatic flooring nailer using 16ga 2in cleats (Dewalt brand if it makes a difference). Also, I am using 16ga Bostitch finish nailer and compressor. Testing the pressure, I run in some problems. The cleats are either not fully setting at 75 PSI or splitting the tongue at 80 PSI. I tried somewhere in between but I can’t get a consistent nailing. Any suggestions? Next, I will try staples and perhaps a different brand of cleats.
How deep does the cleat has to be with the tongue? Flashed or slightly indented? I can't get it flushed

I will top nail and blind nail the first row. Same question here: how deep do I want the top nail so I can fill the head hole in? 1-2mm?
Someone here suggested a 60degree blind nailing and that works like a charm. The 45degree was not setting the nail completely. Thank you very much for that
Thx again