I'm ripping up the floors in my kitchen, which are, in order... floating laminate, linoleum, different linoleum, particleboard, plywood subfloor. I want to take it all the way down to the plywood subfloor. The laminate is incredibly easy to remove, as is the first layer of linoleum, but the particleboard / gluey bottom mess of linoleum is a pain. I'm currently just working away at the edge of it by prying at it with a crowbar and a deadblow mallet, which works okay, but I feel like there must be a more efficient method.
Any ideas? The issue is that I can't get the bottom layer of linoleum separated from the particleboard, which means I can't see the nails, which means that I have to just randomly pry away at the edge of the boards. The boards crumble, because it's crap particleboard, and sometimes I get lucky and find a nail but not usually.