Just got done putting down 3/4" unfinished oak in the hallway and for the first time doing it I am quite happy with the results.

However, there was one unexpected problem I encountered and after the research I did (2 books from a library, dvd video, youtube, forums) I am surprised I never came across this. What is sold as 2.25 oak can vary quite a bit in width. I realized this after a couple rows when I ran into this...see photo below:

No matter how hard I whacked on it with the nail gun or how hard I shimmed and tried to pry it straight, that gap was not closing. So I started measuring widths with my micrometer and came up with a range of 2.17 to 2.27. I discarded everything outside the range of 2.24 to 2.26 and that took care of my problem. It was time consuming but for a floor that should last the rest of my lifetime I felt it was worth it.
Is this normal? Do the pros have access to better grade wood where this is not a problem? I bought mine at Menards for 3.28 per sq ft. and now I am wondering if I should spend a bit more for my next project...the kitchen. I saw some Bruce flooring at Home Depot for a bit more...would that be better in terms of dimensions / quality? Any other tips on where to buy good unfinished 2.25 oak strip?