Going to start my install this weekend and had a couple more questions on finishing touches.
I have now read the postings here regarding tile butting and carpet butting.
http://www.hardwoodinstaller.com/installation/against-tile-stone.htmhttp://www.hardwoodinstaller.com/installation/carpet-against-wood-floors.htmMy flooring retailer never mentioned either of these as a possibility....probably in order to sell me some spendy moldings.
Cost isn't an issue now since I already own the moldings...I'm now trying to decide where and or if to utilize them.
Here is my layout:

The west entry will have a tile landing...there is vinyl over 1/2" underlayment there now. So the heights are close now and I can make sure that the tile will be close when it goes in as well. I have a t-molding for that area. Would you use it or do the butt and caulk tile method? The seam is around 5 feet in length, so its a bit more involved than a doorway. If I do use the t molding does it just butt up against the baseboard or is it undercut etc? Is it just glued down?
For the glass slider on the east wall I have a threshold. I've undercut the doorjamb for the flooring already....does the threshold just butt up against the door casings? Glue down?
I also have three carpet transitions in the hallway. I have thresholds for those as well if necessary. I did leave enough carpet on my cuts so I should be able to tuck it with or without the thresholds. My door casings are laid out similar to this one:

If I were to use them to they get under cut or butted?
As usual the devil is always in the details.