I bought an Extech MO200 off of Amazon for ~$90. I figured I would get wht looked to be a 'middle of the road' meter...more than the $24 ones that are everywhere but less than the $300 ones they have out.
http://www.amazon.com/Extech-MO200-Barg ... B000EWY5WS
I can get pretty standard readings off my subfloor, ~13% average. However when I try to get a reading off the actual flooring, I'm not having much luck. It just kind of bounces all around. I have it jammed in one piece right now and it's not even taking a reading. I don't think the moisture content is below 6%.

The wood has been in my house for ~3 weeks. My humidity level has been a steady 35-40% for the last 2 weeks. Wood species is maple. I am in a split-level home, the basement is around the same humidity level.
Any thoughts?
Basically the same issue as this guy, I'm going to re-read this.
http://www.hardwoodinstaller.com/hardwo ... ion+factor
I should add that I hammered a couple nails through a piece of the hardwood and touched the pins to that, and I am getting around 11-12%. Is that an accurate way to do it, or no?