What works for me is... Chalk my starting line, and pick out some long lengths , to install on the line. Spread my first section, (usally about 2'). Start with my starter lengths on the line, and continue the section ( pulling planks toward me). Run strap clamps about every 2' along the width of the section, and cinch the section firmly together. While the clamps are taught, run rows of blue tape, and release the clamps.Then if slight adjustment is needed, I adjust the section to the line. Run some scrap blocks at the end joints on the line, taping them to the section. If needed, (but rarely), I secure the endblocks with a few nails tacked into the substrate. I do like Jerry's idea of hot glue.
Of coarse, you know me... "Mr. Strap Clamp"
, I use them for the entire floor