How many times have we heard that before...
Looking through some CD's today I came across one job that was ready to go..or at least that's what I was told. It was an extensive remodel and naturally nobody bothered to check it's progress..just figured..
It's READY Does it look ready to go folks? Kinda hard to glue down a floor over that.
I won't mention names 'cause he could be lurking...hehe. I will say however, he was the best I worked for, but I always got alot of grumbling when he wondered or asked "what's this for?" when the bill for the job was turned in.
Geesh, the number of days I worked for free was outrageous when you figure in the amount of time lost fetching things, going to the supply house so I could get the darned job started. After awhile I just gave up and went home when no improvement was in sight. Then more grumbling..."what did you leave the job for--they don't want to see you again" I was always ready to go at 7-8AM and most of the work was new construction, but enough was enough.
Sure wish I took a pic of another job that was
ready..small room 200 sf. Somebody failed to tell another they just dug a plumbing line under the slab so there was a 2' x 2' exposed hole in the middle of the room. Heck at least the wood got to the job...