Sigh.... where to begin. Bought our dream house which needed a complete gutting and rehab. Its a tri-level, so the main floor is slab. First the slab had settled in the past and in order to try and get it flat i had gypsum concrete pumped in. Having never done floors before, i did not know how important it was to make sure the concrete was completely dry. I put in about 900sq feet of click strand bamboo from LL, and after 4 months most of the boards are cupping, i have 4 spots where the floor has completely come apart, and all along the walls the floors have shrunk past my baseboard quarter round. So... i messed up pretty bad. I have also found that i hate the floating floor feel, and we dont like slippery and smooth these floor are. So eventually i would like to replace it all. To make matters even worse, my wife ordered the cabinets and the whole time i was under the impression they were standard base cabinets. When they came they had furniture feet so not knowing what else to do i ran the floor under the cabinets....
At any rate, i was hoping for some advice on how to redo these floors. Would i be okay screwing down plywood then installing nail down floors? I had one contractor out and he said engineering floating is the way to go, but i really dont know.... Wish i would have done better research in the first place