Thank you for the replies so far, but I need to clarify some things here and although I drew a great pictures of it, I am having hard time showing it here as I do not know how the attachments work.
Hope this is it:

So to explain (completely lacking any technical lingo here). The "A" is the main beam. "B" and "C" are the joists - "B" is the floor joist for the 2nd floor and "C" is the ceiling joist for my 1st floor. Now "D" is a complete mystery to me. I thought it was placed there by inexperience, but I have seen some pictures on the web that have that same piece. "E" is just what it is and the gray area is the... no clue what it is called but it is metal with spikes. (man I suck at this). For the gray metal stuff please see this link - ... %20web.JPG - this is what I am referring to). So the squeaking is coming from 3 possible places - between A and D (any where between that), D and E or E and C. All I know is that it is from that area. I put almost a whole bottle of talcum on it and nothing happened. I hammered the bottom part good and the squeaking went away for... 30 seconds, but then it is back.
The reason why I call it a lost cause is that there are about 20 places like that under that one room (3 beams and 5 joists - middle beam has joists on both side), so IF I decided to rip up the whole subfloor then I might be able to fix it in all places, but currently I have opened only this one place only.
BUT... That is not my main concern anymore (one day I might be able to learn to live with this squeaks and knowing that it is just bad construction - my whole house squeaks like that). I would love to get rid of the squeaking, but my main problem is my subfloor warping. Now it looks like this -
and I think that is a direct result of joist spacing and the thickness of the plywood. As said before the spacing is over 20 inches OC apart and the plywood on top is 3/4th thick. I think the 3/4th is OK if the spacing is 16 inches OC but more than that and the wear and tear of the plywood will results in warping. So back to my original question - should I just replace the subfloor with a 1 inch plywood or is there anything else I should be thinking in regards to getting the subfloor to level and increase the subfloor rigidity?
Thank you all,