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 Post subject: Sub Floor Options
PostPosted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 7:23 pm 
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Joined: Wed Feb 01, 2006 7:42 pm
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Location: Washougal Washington
Hi all,

Great forum, I've been learning alot by reading, however I have a slightly different issue that I would like some advice on. I am buiding a Log Home, The daylight basement is stick framed and the two upper floors are log. When I built the first floor deck the subfloor that came with the log package was 1X6 Pine T&G. Due to short dry season, possible damage, and limiter labor pool,(Myself, My Father, and my two underage boys) we decided to not install the 1X6 and insted layed down a 1/2" OSB temporary floor to work off of.
This was a good call as the metal roof trim was finished with 16" of snow on it. Now the issue is, the floor is pretty rough, and I'm going to lay 3/4" T&G plywood over the 1/2" OSB. I want to glue the 3/4 down to the 1/2 to prevent squeeks in the future, so my question is what king of gap filling glue should I use to glue the plywood down. I will be screwing it to floor joists as well as some field screwing to tie the two layers together.

Am I completely off my rocker or will this work? any other suggestions are appreciated.



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PostPosted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 7:45 pm 
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Liquid Nails subfloor adhesive.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2006 2:16 pm 
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Location: Washougal Washington
Floorguy wrote:
Liquid Nails subfloor adhesive.

Thanks Floorguy,

I was hoping there was a glue that I could get a 100% glue down not just a pattern. do I need 100% coverage or will a 6" crosshatch with the subfloor adhesive prevent the future sqeeks?

The 1/2" OSB is glued to the floor joist but over time has sagged between the joist, other places are broken through and patched. would gluing the new 3/4" plywood on the joist be enough or do I need to glue and screw in the field also to pull the OSB back up to the plywood and into the glue.


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PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2006 3:23 pm 
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If it were me, I would treat installing your new plywood subfloor as if the OSB wasn't there. I would use GP Sturdi-Floor ( ... erarchy=pc )
T&G plywood. Locate all the joists and snap chalk lines. Then use longer screws to fasten the plywood down to the joists. IMO, you don't want the new plywood subflooring to conform to the sagging OSB but to span over those dips that are between the joists so the new subflooring will be flat. This is an unusual situation and I think you should get advice from an architect or Georgia Pacific or building engineer.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2006 8:17 pm 
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Joined: Thu Aug 05, 2004 5:44 am
Posts: 3509
Location: Austin
If you feel you must full spread it, it would be a perfect canidate for Taylor 2071. because a spread rate of about 45 to 50 square feet per gallon, will ring up the budget.

When you want it done WRIGHT

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