Well, before I put my 2 cents in... Jerry what's your delemma? And tell me about Magic Erasers, I havent heard about that.
That Tarkett tapping block sounds interesting, obviously your hammer is not in the glue. I remember when Long Strip came out, and Tarkett came out with the "Pull Tool". Those things are great, I still have a couple and use them now and then. Other manuf. have tried to copy that tool, and they're mickey mouse.
But back to the tapping block. If you use strap clamps you dont have to carry a tapping black and hammer along side of you, or get off your knees to grab it. I just turn around and grab a strap clamp behind me, latch it on and presto. And you can catch just the top half of the plank thickness, so the clamps not in the glue. And my clamps wont damage the plank.
Yes, one of the reasons strap clamps are needed is due to hydraulicking ( I know that's spelled wrong

). But the old LP adhesives hydraulicked just the same as the urethanes. And I'll have to disagree with you on not needing strap clamps due to wood quality. Yes there are many other reasons for needing them, but the milling quality is no where near the same as it used to be. These days I am constantly dealing with twisted boards, over wood, very tight tongue & groove tolerances, ( yes, I do acclimate, in the boxes ), and an eray of other issues ,and exotics and wood from China, like we never saw before. Just to name a few wood related issues. I am a firm believer EVERYTHING should and needs be strap clamped and tapped, except Mirage

As far as rolling the floor. Dude! I've heard that one before!( walking off the floor ) . I install on top of the floor also, ya I'm sure that helps in bonding. But how much time do you take "walking off the floor" ( maybe if your carrying a box of wood, your more than 200 pounds

. But seriously, I'ts not consistant, even pressure, and surely not going over every inch of the floor. I do dread bringing the roller into the house. I'm vary aware of my back, especially carrying it over tile,( sometimes I bring the dolley ) . And that roller sitting on the back end of my truck is costing me fuel !

. But it's worth it's weight in gold, for the end result, and peace of mind. I'ts pretty funny also, but when customers see me using that roller, they love it.
Yes, You deffinetely have to clean adhesive as you go, for the obvious reasons, but here's another one. The adhesive manufacturers say to clean as you go, and there's a reason why. I went out on a Bamboo inspection last year. I'm glad the homeowner installed the floor and not an installer. He waited until he was done with the job, then cleaned the cured adhesive, a few days later, with the Bostik cleaner. Yes it took the adhesive off the floor, but left a clouding, or ghosting in the finish of the Bamboo, everywhere he cleaned adhesive. Yes , the cleaner will remove cured adhesive, and I wasnt too impressed with that finish, but that's the type of thing that's going on.