Hello there,
Great forum! Newbie here… interested in DIY hardwood floor for my home. I just placed an order for Bruce Waltham Strip Brass (
http://www.bruce.com/hardwood/C8240.asp). I will likely start flooring in two weeks. So it is the perfect time for me to get the right tools and plan in place. Some quick questions –
1. Subfloor – My subfloor looks quite flat (two pictures attached below). My understanding is that I do not need to process it further. I just need to put one layer of tar paper on top of it before nailing the strips. Am I right?

2. Underlayment – A local sales guy recommended “aquabar” paper – is it good? If not, what is the recommendation?
3. Nails – How long should the nail be? The floor strips are 3/4 inches in depth. Is 1-1/2 inch long enough? Do I need 2-inch ones for sufficient holding power? And what type of nail should I use? Brad or finish nail? And what about this 15, 16, 18 gauge stuff? I guess my question is simply what I should use.
4. Nailer – I guess the nailer choice depends on the type of nail I use. I am looking at two now. One brad nailer, Porter Cable BN200B (
http://www.portercable.com/Products/ProductDetail.aspx?ProductID=18941), and one finish nailer, Porter Cable FN250C (
http://www.portercable.com/Products/ProductDetail.aspx?ProductID=18948)? Are they good? And of course, which one should I choose?
5. Air compressor – Since I am not on time constraint, I am wondering whether a small, 1 gallon air compressor such as Campbell Hausfeld FP260000AV be good enough?
http://www.cpocampbellhausfeld.com/campbell-hausfeld-fp260000av-1-gallon-pancake-air-compressor-with-inflation-kit/cbhnfp260000av,default,pd.html?start=11&cgid=campbell-hausfeld-compressors. Sorry for so many questions. Thanks for your help in advance.