After clean up I think I'm ready to start the project and here is the situtation..... (pics below)
Laying down bamboo planks on concrete slab (second floor). I've grinded down any high spots on the slabs so that it is flat. The wood will go on the entire upstairs. So I wanted to run it down the hall horizontally (longest sight line)
I have a bullnose and was going to start my line based on that and run the planks horizontally across the hallway, but if I do so it won't be square with any wall (see second pic). In addition it won't be straight down the hall and into the room, i.e. it will run at a slight angle not parallel to any wall
So do I choose another laydown - diagonal and not down the hallway or can I make the line straight (parallel to the walls) and into the room and then make a correction at the bullnose when I get there?
Hopefully with the pictures what I'm asking makes sense, if not I will clarify. Suggestions greatly appreciated.