Hi all,
I just ordered 910 sq ft of 3/8" brazillian cherry HW floors.
From previous advice here (thanks all), I was steered towards the following models:
the Senco SLS-20HF
the Bostich Floor Runner
the HighPro AS 4090
I am a fan of Bostitch, but this model is advertised as a "laminate" flooring stapler. Whereas the Senco (no experience with this brand) is advertised as applicable to "hardwood, engineered and laminate" floors.
No experience witht he highpro, and internet searches didn't reveal much for avalibility (so I kinda ruled that out).
I'm leaning towards the Senco because it says its for HWs. I am nervous about my BC being too hard for a stapler. Will the Bostitch handle HW flooring (even BC)?
Any advice or further recommendations? Experiences with these staplers and 3/8" BC installations.