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 Post subject: Stapler Questions for 3/8" flooring
PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 9:28 pm 
Newbie Contributor

Joined: Tue Jun 26, 2007 8:35 pm
Posts: 12
Hi all,

I just ordered 910 sq ft of 3/8" brazillian cherry HW floors.

From previous advice here (thanks all), I was steered towards the following models:

the Senco SLS-20HF
the Bostich Floor Runner
the HighPro AS 4090

I am a fan of Bostitch, but this model is advertised as a "laminate" flooring stapler. Whereas the Senco (no experience with this brand) is advertised as applicable to "hardwood, engineered and laminate" floors.

No experience witht he highpro, and internet searches didn't reveal much for avalibility (so I kinda ruled that out).

I'm leaning towards the Senco because it says its for HWs. I am nervous about my BC being too hard for a stapler. Will the Bostitch handle HW flooring (even BC)?

Any advice or further recommendations? Experiences with these staplers and 3/8" BC installations.




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PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 9:49 pm 
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I have both the Senco & the HighPro guns. Both are great little tools, that get the job done.

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 9:54 pm 
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Here's the Bostitch 18 gauge stapler. It shoots up to 1&3/8" staples, long enough for your 3/8" solid BC.
Image ... m_ID=12943

Here's the Senco SLS20HF. Uses 19gauge and only 1" in length


Here's the High Pro. It shoots up to 1&1/2" staples. Doesn't mention what gauge. I'd suspect 18 gauge.


I guess I'd go with the Bostitch or High Pro, whichever cost less.

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 10:16 pm 
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Thanks for the advice. I like the advice. I want to go withthe Bostitch, but the one thing that makes me leary is the website lists it as a "laminate" flooring stapler. Also it lists it as 18 gauge. Would I want a thinner gauge? 20ga? There seems to be a 20ga bostitch stapler available as well... so many models it's confusing. I'm a newbie at this, so excuse my ignorance on the topic.

Will the bostitch "laminate" flooring stapler handle BC? I guess I don't know why it wouldn't, but I don't want to spend $200+ on a stapler only to find out I got the wrong one...

Also, what length staples do I want for 3/8" floors?


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PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 10:28 pm 
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Dude! click on the link under the picture of the Bostitch stapler I posted. It says hardwood flooring stapler. Use the 18 gauge for your solid. It's still pretty skinny. I would use the 1&1/4" length. ... m_ID=13336

You do know you'll need a compressor and hose, right. If you set the gun and air up right, tap the flooring together with a plastic tapping block and staple every 5" or so, you'll be fine.

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 10:55 pm 
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Thanks Gary. I did check out the link. It mentioned something about adjustable for engineered flooring, so I got a tad confused. Also, the Bostitch Floorguy and others initially recommended was a "floor runner" model (very similar and I think the updated version of this one). It doesnt list hardwoods and say for "laminate floors". Thus my concern.

And yes, I have pneumatic piping running throughout my house, so no problems there. I use air tools for a myriad of tasks.


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PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 11:13 pm 
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That 3/8 will be fine with a 1" staple. I have put down a lot of 3/8 with my Senco, and it will trash the 3/8 boards tongue, before the staple pulls out of the subfloor.

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 6:06 am 
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Floorguy wrote:
That 3/8 will be fine with a 1" staple. I have put down a lot of 3/8 with my Senco, and it will trash the 3/8 boards tongue, before the staple pulls out of the subfloor.

lol, so what you're really saying is make sure you have the board in the right place before you pull the trigger?


I'm leaning towards the senco. I'd be ok with the Bostitch if I wasn't confused by so many similar models, so ok for HW, some not.

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