rdb wrote:
Installation has failed and produced the classic "snap, crackle & pop" floor with vertical movement.
The vertical movement. They would have had to use some real short staples, say 1" on the 5/8, over a low spot, in the subfloor.
Glue coated staples, like the Spot Nails 1¼" are, have tremendous holding power. You figure the angle the staple goes in. But wait it is not penetrating the whole 5/8" only to the top of the tongue. My calculations show the 1¼" staple, protrudes into the plywood almost ¾ of an inch, but at an angle, which is plenty of holding power for a properly acclimated engineered floor, over a flat substrate.
Either the flooring is buckling("snap, crackle & pop" floor with vertical movement) Did you check moisture content of the subfloor and flooring to be sure they were pretty close???
Or... there are low places, or bridging high places in the substrate, out of allowable specifications("snap, crackle & pop" floor with vertical movement)