hi guys - i'm new to the forum. I'm a DYI'er whose laid a few thousand sq ft of solid oak 3/4" thick flooring. I'm currently laying hardwood in the second floor of my home. it was originally all carpet.
my question is on how to install the top stairnose (the stair treads are already hardwood and I am not touching them). currently the top stairnose is a piece of oak butted up against the subfloor that the carpet laid over. each end of this stairnose is inserted into the stringers. I wanted to just cut the nose flush with the riser and install my new nose, but then there would be an empty cutout in each stringer where the nose once was - and that wouldn't look right. so how should I go about this? whats the correct way to do the job?
i've included a few pictures below. please let me know your thoughts. thanks.