Amish made hardwood

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 Post subject: Stair on left, 45° room transition on right
PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2006 10:36 am 
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Joined: Mon May 29, 2006 9:21 am
Posts: 3
Location: Ontario, Canada
I'm in the middle of installing prefinished 3/4 Ash. I'm at a point in my hallway where on the left side of the hall is an Ash stair-railing, and on the right hand side is a doorway that's on a 45° angle. My question is how to meet the transition in the doorway the best because of the microbevel on the wood.
When I cut the 45, the bevel is gone and I also need to cut a new groove in end.
I was thinking about sanding a microbevel back in and using a brown marker to color it in?
I was also thinking about cutting the microbevel off the transition piece and regrooving it too. That way at least both mating pieces of wood have no microbevel?
If I extend the boards past the transition, and attempt to cut them with a circular saw or router, I will hit the door jamb before I complete the cut as well, so I was going to cut each 45 individually?
How would the pro's do it??


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