Pete A. wrote:
If you clean and sand to a fresh surface you can seal with Glitsa Sealer.
It is sold by the Rudd Company in Seattle. It is a conversion varnish that you add hardener to help it cure. A small area will not take a whole quart, so add the hardener proportionately to what you mix together. A chip brush which is inexpensive can be used one and tossed, but if you wrap it up in a plastic bag, and then in another so no smell escapes, you can pit it in the freezer and use it again without cleaning in lacquer thinner. Two coats with 150 grit sanding after the first coat is dry will give you a smooth surface, easy to clean. You can add more coats as you like. It will be glossy. If you want less shine, rub with 2/0 steel wool. You may need to get the finish from a flooring supplier. There is a finish for a final coat that you can choose from semi-gloos to matte. It is Glitsa Gold Seal.
I have been using this type of finish for 40 years and think it is the best!
Thank you for the reply. I looks like the product data says it may bring out grain of wood. Any bamboo experience? And since this is catalyzed product, any issues putting down next to the water based finish? And what sandpaper grit to use on old area that needs touch up. Any help appreciated