Minor update:
Bellawood chimed in. Owner didn't acclimate the wood properly. Humidity was too high in the house (80%?). Temperature was wrong. They and LL have zero liability.
Geez, I didn't see that one coming at all.

If temp and humidity wasn't right; then how come the original floor ain't cracking too? How come the wood still acclimating in the box is severly cracked?
Owner told me that wood arrived Friday. Installed that Friday -Sunday. First crack noticed after work on monday. Multiple cracks everywhere. Not just traffic areas.
Real bad news: He admitted that some handyman guy installed it. It's starting to sound like he got one of those really good Florida deals. "I don't know why proffessionals charge so much. This is easy."
Guy probably never heard of a moisture meter thingamajig.
I'm thinking the owner or installer is going to have to eat this one.
Lesson this teaches us: HIRE A PRO! THEY"RE CALLED HACKS FOR A REASON! Thank you. Will update later. The inspector is supposed to be scheduled.
BTW, how long do you acclimate wood like this in a climate controlled enviroment? I know it's longer than 2 hours.