I'm a 1st timer. Got the carpet up, nails out, sanding done, coats 1, 2, & 3 down (Cabot Satin Oil-based Poly). It's been taking much longer to dry than expected (outside temps been in the mid 80's). I got my 3rd coat down and the floor was looking pretty decent (for a newbie!). We waited about 18 hours (slept at our son's house) and came home. It looked good, wasn't tacky at all. We were still waiting for another area to dry so I took 2 steps onto the floor that wasn't tacky any longer to lower the AC temperature (was told that might help with the drying time). On coming off that floor, I noticed I left 2 sock prints in the finish! Is there any "easy" way to get them out? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.