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 Post subject: Small stair landing
PostPosted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 7:43 am 
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Joined: Tue Sep 16, 2014 7:33 am
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I have a 31" by 43" stair landing I want to install 3 1/4" solid oak Bruce flooring. 1) If you were doing it and had to rent a floor nailer would you for this small space and if not how would you install to minimize squeaks? (We have a 18g brad nailer and access to a 16g finish nailer-all pnuematic)The subfloor is 3/4 pine boards that were nailed when the house was built but gone over and screwed in yesterday. 2) would you install perpendicular to the planks, parallel or does it make a difference. I live in Louisiana. The flooring has been open and acclimated for over 3 weeks.

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 Post subject: Re: Small stair landing
PostPosted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 6:05 am 
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lcangler wrote:
I have a 31" by 43" stair landing I want to install 3 1/4" solid oak Bruce flooring. 1) If you were doing it and had to rent a floor nailer would you for this small space and if not how would you install to minimize squeaks? (We have a 18g brad nailer and access to a 16g finish nailer-all pnuematic)The subfloor is 3/4 pine boards that were nailed when the house was built but gone over and screwed in yesterday. 2) would you install perpendicular to the planks, parallel or does it make a difference. I live in Louisiana. The flooring has been open and acclimated for over 3 weeks.

Perpendicular to the joists is the usual recommendation. Half day flooring nailer rental shouldn't be too expensive. 15g finish nailer is also the recommended size when you have to use this type of tool. How are you handling the stair landing nosing piece?

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 Post subject: Re: Small stair landing
PostPosted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 7:43 am 
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Joined: Tue Sep 16, 2014 7:33 am
Posts: 3
We were going to face nail the nosing and use adhesive, then spline and work to wall. Maybe 12 rows total of the planks to the wall. to rent for 1/2 day to nail maybe 9 planks just seemed a bit much, but if it is absolutely critical I will. Is there an alternative that works instead? This stair gets little use.

The subfloor planks are laid perpendicular to the joists already, so then we lay the flooring in the same direction as the subfloor?

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 Post subject: Re: Small stair landing
PostPosted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 2:22 pm 
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Flooring nailer is not absolutely critical. If you only have a small number of planks you could hand nail into the tongues....that's the way they did it in the 'old days'. I'd still install perpendicular to the joists. Make sure that the nosing overhang amount keeps the run of the step that it overhangs code compliant.

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 Post subject: Re: Small stair landing
PostPosted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 5:11 pm 
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Joined: Tue Sep 16, 2014 7:33 am
Posts: 3
Thanks, I appreciate the help. So you advise a 15g if we go that route vs a 16g nail in the tongue? Can you combine and use both adhesive and tongue nailing on all 12 rows or just nailing the tongue only? What would be the spacing for the tongue nailing? Every 8in? 10? Thanks again.

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 Post subject: Re: Small stair landing
PostPosted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 6:49 pm 
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Joined: Sat Oct 19, 2013 3:05 pm
Posts: 675
You can glue and nail. 15 ga finish nails have less holding power than a flooring cleat so place the 15 ga finish nails every 4 to 5 inches.

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