Someone please help!
Put in new white oak floor and steps in upstairs hall/stairs. I have had 2 different floor people come, sand, and apply oil hi-gls poly. First team sanded the new floor, put down 2 coats then screen and tried final. They added like 4 coats - stopped them and got another. The second team, sanded down to the wood, sealed, then 3 coats poly.
The first team had lot's of dust and pieces of lambswook in finish, with bubbles. The second was very careful, but applied by brush. All coats put on this floor had small bubbles, so the coat was never smooth. I think it's bubbles vs. raised grain. Although i see infitismally small spots that could be grain, but the floor was sealed? Could the fact that the stairs are directly over cellar stairs be an issue? used new poly. No one able to get a good coat down. Any ideas? I've been delayed 6 weeks, this is killing me!