I've been reading and learning a lot on the forum. Thanks
What is the usual ratio of short lengths to longer boards. I purchase some 3/4 Mohawk Hickory in 5 inch width, had it stored in a spare bedroom for a few month while fixing up the walls and windows. Was planning to install it this weekend, opened five boxes trying to figure out the layout and color, 25% of the boards were about 12 inches, another 25% were 18-24 inches. Only five boards out of five boxes were close to 60 inches or better. What's the normal ratio?
I took it back and Lowe's refunded my money. Though they are going to make a call and see about getting more stock with longer boards. After reading about the issues with Hickory though I'm tempted to look at other options. Thing is, my wife really loves the look of hickory.

It's and older home that I've been slowly renovating. I'm going to be putting the new hardwood flooring over the old 3/4 Oak, which is over 1x6 on top of real 2X8's on 16 inch centers. This will help it match the new tile in the kitchen/dining room. I'll be doing the install, no point in changing things up now since I've done ALL the work on the remodel. I'm in Central California, wintertime is the most humid, summers pretty dry. I welcome your insights and suggestions.