Jerry or Floorguy,
Thank you both for your contributions! I worked all weekend and my back is killing me! I give credit to anyone who does this for a living. I only got about 4 feet of flooring down! VERY time consuming.
I just noticed a problem that I will face. I am running my flooring from my living room into the main entry hall. There is a one foot wall that seperates the two rooms. So I ran the hardwood all the way to the one foot mark in my living room, then all the way to the wall of the entry hall. So now I will have to spline the floor and finish the last 10 inches or so (yes I ended up 3 boards plus a 3/4 space!!!! What bad luck!) of hardwood back to my front door/front of the house. So I figure it will be 3 boards plus a ripped tiny board (I glue this correct?). My problem lies in that I cannot get either my pneumatic nailer, nor my finish nailer, in the space between the wall and the splined board. I prefer not to face nail all 3 boards RIGHT at the opening of my front door. Any suggestions?!
I truly appreciate it everyone! I hope to have this done so I can enjoy my holiday!!!