We finally got possession of our house (I was asking everyone about whether I should do Brazilian Cherry or not about a month ago), and our contractor is in there sanding and refinishing the original one inch strip oak floors right now.

For the bedroom which was carpeted, we have torn out the carpets and pulled out all the staples, etc. The subfloor is 3/4" plywoof which is in great shape and not creaking (the bedroom was an extension to the house and is only 18 or so years old).
Here's my question:
Should we screw down the plywood still? The floor appears to be excessively nailed (3" centers). Our general thinks it's already overkill, and the floor is solid. But a friend of ours who is a framer suggested they we should screw down the subfloor anyway (he would come and do it for us as a favour), because all nails will eventually work loose a bit, and then we'll have squeeky floors. What's the collective wisdom here.
Also, there is a section of the bedroom ( on a different level) which has old lino tiles under the carpet. Can wood be laid over top without problems?
FYI, we are doing site finished 2 1/4" wide, 3/4" Brazilian Cherry.