How is it that a floor finisher can sand the edges and not get rotary scrathes in the maple?
"Ancient Chinese secret". Actually, one does get some swirl in the floors from operating the edger. I use a back up pad and 100 as my final grit and get very little swirl. I will hand sand the edges as needed to eliminate noticable sanding marks. It is not advisable to get a mirror sanded surface on maple. Too smooth and the finishes do not penetrate and bond properly. I tell many people this. " Floors are not furniture." So any experience you may have about furniture finishing DOES NOT APPLY to floor finishing. Many folks fail to understand this but a whole set of dynamics comes into play in flooring that furniture does not need to deal with. BTW, I never, and I mean never, have a problem with sanding marks in my floors. Not that they are not there on occassion, just that they are not noticable.