Well.. I think we have to figure out how he abraded the surface, ...did he screen it or maroon pad it? ..etc. then we have to SEE exactly what product he used... (and not just said he used). You can change the sheen by a screen and recoat if done properly.
The floor must be cleaned thouroughy also. I use Basic's IFT, then Squeeky...bufiing it on and off with red pad, then rinsing it with wet towels, then drying. Next, maroon pad with 4x 220 grit gold 3m strips... then hand sand all corners and high low spots that were missed.... VAc, Tack, Coat... boo yah... Ship the Sherbert...Good 2 go Joe... haha
_________________ Fast Pasquale
Pasquale Floors
Cleveland, Ohio