Sorry guys. I have been having trouble sending attachments and photos. I think I finally have it solved. About the stairs: I demoed the existing staircase and built this one. The treads are solid braz. cherry fabed on-site from 5/4" by 18' stock (they are all solid and are NOT laminated in width, those braz. cherry trees must be huge) Width of planks was 12", 5 planks were used. I did all the work,demo, fabrication, sanding, finishing, installing, even the painting of the risers and skirts, which are 3/4" poplar. The newels and rails are american cherry and will be stained to match the treads. The balusters are paint grade and will match risers. The thickness of the treads is 1&1/16" + the 3/4"x1/2" scotia molding underneath, which is also braz. cherry. The reason for using american cherry on the newels and rails was it was readily available already machined into stair parts. It would have been cost prohibitive to manufacter braz. cherry newels and rails. I think once stained and finished, they should match well enough. The hardest part was making the end returns and jack miters. Well, not hard; time consuming. I used Zinsser's seal coat for sealer for color and followed it with two coats of Basic's Street Shoe. This was a fun job but took longer than anticipated. Thanks for looking! Gary