I need advice to avoid this screw up.
I just finished sanding a R&Q S&B R.O. floor.
I sanded the field and edges with 36, 50, and 80. I then sanded the edger marks out with a palm sander with 80. I normally use 120 g for the final screen, but I didn't have any. So, I buffed with 150 g screen. I applied the stain with a wipe on/off and immediately saw that I picture framed the floor. I realize now that I should have used a lower grit screen, and that would have helped the walls blend with the floor better, but I have the feeling that I am doing something else wrong. Details: I run the edger using a thin (1/16"-1/8") white pad, but I still seem to get edger scratches so I then use the palm sander with 80 g as well. I buff counter clockwise then clockwise. I start in the middle and work my way to one wall and then go back to center, flip my screen and start the other way. Do I need a new edger? Does anyone know of the multidisc? Would this be the solution?
I ended up being able to blend most of the stain difference by buffing the field with very fine maroon pads. This lightened the transition.
All suggestion are appreciated.