Yeah Dan, you've done pretty good so far. What you have is grain raise, probably from both the finish and water-popping. You will need to abrade and coat again. The BONA Mega is not a high build finish and can take 4+ coats to deal with a situation like yours. Since you're using an orbital sander instead of a rotary buffer, I'd suggest trying 220 screen, followed by the maroon pad. Be careful not to buff through the finish and sand out the color. You can thoroughly stir the finish instead of shaking it. But sometimes, the finish has sediment on the bottom of the bottle that needs mixing. Plus, to stir, you need to pour it all out. By shaking it, you can leave it in the bottle and pour it on the floor from the bottle. If you do shake it, let it sit for 15 minutes before attempting to use it. Bubbles should be gone by then. Don't apply the finish coat too thin. 5 to 6 hundred ft. per gal. per coat is about right.