Hey there,
I'm hoping someone might be able to help me sort out my confusion regarding my impending floor installation. Here goes:
I'm poised to install a floating bamboo floor, but my subfloor is all over the map

as far as level / flat is concerned. I've got 15# and 30# roofing felt, but I'm going to need loads of it to get the whole floor prepared. Is this normal to go through LOTS of rolls of felt to get the floor prepped? Or should I shim the really low spots with plywood / masonite to get a roughly even elevation and then go for the felt? (Sags up to an inch at some edges.)
Is there another way to prepare a really weird subfloor for a floating application other than shimming? I think I read on this forum somewhere that one wouldn't want to use any cement floor levelers or anything...I feel like I need sand, or some other miracle-leveler.
Also, can I get away with just the 15# felt (after leveling) as the underlayment or will I need something squishier? (Am using 6mil poly in the crawlspace for moisture barrier)
Thanks in advance for any light you can shed on this for me!
Dave T.